Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Second Class PART DEUX

Friday February 13, 2009
Second class for grades 3-5

Friday night was the second class for the 3-5th graders. Earlier in the day I had found out that none of my helpers could make it. Heather and Rachel were still in rehearsals for The Wiz, Elia had left for Las Vegas (or some other place) the day before and Jill couldn't come for an unknown reason. So I was freaking out about having to deal with 46 kids by myself. I got an IM from one of the 7th graders asking about her sister (who is in the 5th grade). So I asked her (Lauren) if she could come and help out. She promptly said yes.

So I arrived at the Community Center and started the class. One of the kids who was in Annie Jr. and Sound of Music and then stopped being involved with the program for Cinderella and Wizard of Oz walked in and I was like WOW! I couldn't believe how big he got! His name is Chad Chelo. And he's now in 5th grade!!!! We played Boom Chicka Boom for a half hour and then a few of the kids sang. Catie sang a song first and she has a phenominal voice! Seriously, that girl can sing! After they finished singing I had them stand in a line and put them into groups of 5 kids each. Each group filled out a scenario on a piece of paper and then the group leaders (Me, Lauren, Chris Cook, Shannon, Kayla, Elizabeth, Michaela, and a few others) picked the scenarios out of a hat so that the groups didn't get their own scenario. Then the class ended so the next class (which is on February 27th) each group will perform their little skit and at the end ask the audience (aka the rest of the class) "What would you do?" And the audience has to give them a conclusion to their skit and they have to act that out as well. Fun.

All in all the class went really well and I actually enjoy running the class by myself more than having Rachel, Elia, Heather and Jill there alongside me.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

the project you have for the kids sounds like fun!
glad you enjoyed running the class without helpers!