Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Auditions wha wha WHAT!

Last night (April 6, 2009) I held the first set of auditions for my Beauty and the Beast production. I had been highly anticipating this day since the beginning of classes in January and I still can't believe it's here. I have a flurry of emotions; I was extremely happy and thrilled and yet stressed and anxious at the same time. I arrived at around 4:45 to set up and thinking I had a lot of time I didn't. About five minutes later Meghan and her mom came in. I was excited to see them. They helped me get things settled and then more kids came in followed by my crew, Heather, Rachel and Jill.

At 5:05ish I held a tiny meeting for the parents to sign the contracts and whatnot. We started the singing auditions and then the reading auditions. Some of those kids - EGADZ! They were phenomenal! Some of those girls - Lexie esp. have beyond amazing voices. And Lexie's been with us for a long time and I don't know where she was hiding! It took a long time and ended at 7:40 but the kids were allllll amazing.

Tim, who is the cutest little 3rd grader auditioned for Lefou and by george he was adorable! Jack auditioned for Gaston and was equally great. Everyone who auditioned was just wow. I don't know who is going to get any of the roles and Heather, Rachel, Jill and I have our work cut out for us in casting it!

It is going to be next to impossible casting this show. I am so not looking forward to it because of the backlash i'm going to get from those who did not get the role they wanted. OY. Why did I sign up for this again?

1 comment:

Carrie said...

you sign up for it because you love it despite the not so fun things. there will always be backlash for casting anything. it's part of the territory. glad you are so excited for it!