I have to admit, I have the most amazing friends in the world. You may think you have the most amazing friends in the world, but you'd be wrong, unless we have the same friends.
I've heard of a saying that everyone comes into your life for a reason and I completely agree. The friends I have made throughout my life have formed me into the person I am today and are continuing to push me into being an even better more confident me as each day passes.
To have friends who totally understand you and get where you're coming from in relation to your thoughts and feelings without judging and criticizing is a blessing and I love them all so much.
Amy, who has been my absolute best friend in the entire world since we were six years old has shown me what it is to know true and honest friendship. No matter what happens in our lives, whether we lose touch for a couple of years or get in a fight, we pick right back up where we left off as if nothing ever happened. She is the one person I know 100 % who will always love me no holds bar.
Sarah, who is my 'sort of sister' since I was six and her, ten. My whole life I had always wished for a sister but instead got a brother. I had always wanted that relationship with someone who I can always turn to and who knows me and who is family. Sarah is that person.
Carrie W., man oh man the fun times we have had. Our 'how we met' story is the greatest. I was 21 and had gone to California with a friend for vaca. While standing in line to see a 'FRIENDS' taping (I know, how appropriate, right?!) I met Carrie, who was behind us. We talked for the entire wait time and sat together at the taping then afterwards hung out for a bit. Then we didn't talk for about a year until I wanted to see Chicago on broadway. And the rest is history. We have been the greatest friends ever since. NINE years! It seems like yesterday. We have the same interests in TV, Movies, Broadway Shows etc. And I can always count on her to complain to about work and sibling issues. Without Cdubbs (hehe) I would just be Lindsay.
Mark! My college bud with a heart of gold. My one friend who knows everything about me...everything. I can talk to Mark about anything and everything without the slightest judgement and he is always there to give me words of support and motivation. He believes in me and constantly tries to boost my confidence (although it is hard to do--back to the brother issue). I look forward to traveling to Ireland with my boo.
Kari I met through a mutual friend at a halloween party and since then we have become very close. Our puppies Byron & Gracie are pals as well. I love our fun times we have together, going to see movies, hanging out watching tv, or one of us being bullied into going to the bars with the other...hmmm I wonder which one is the bully?! HAHA. Although I do end up having a blast anyway.
Kris or Kristina as I once called her and got yelled at for! After living in a quad dorm for a month or two my freshman year of college I requested to be switched and I was soo lucky to be placed in a double with Kris as my new roommate. I remember first meeting her in the entryway of O'Hare and her telling me that nobody called her "Kristina" only "Kris" or "Vickstrom". And then we became fast friends. We were both into Theatre and liked pretty much the same things. I so look forward to attending her wedding in November! :)
Shoshana --who would have thought that after one simple email asking to use one of my Idina photos from her final show that Shoshana and I would become great friends? Well, that's all it took. Since then we have had many fun times together in New York. Who can forget the fabulous night at Blockheads for my 'book signing party' haha. If only we lived closer.
Amanda, who is another college bud...we have also had so much fun at Salve and Seattle. I love our great adventures and our talks on AIM. I introduced her to Sex & the City, which became something we could talk about and have in common. Also, crazy anxiety attacks over our thesis presentations!
Elle, I am just now getting used to calling her that, as it is short for Marielle. What a great friend and fellow adventurer. We have had sooooo many fantastic times in the past few years, JWU parties at my house, a fun filled ski weekend in New Hampshire for my birthday, crazy rain soaked adventures through Newport trying to teach me photog skills, She & Him amazingness, beach adventures galore, and many more fun times! It seems that whenever we are together fun times follow. Because, yes we are awesome.
Carrie V., we have known each other for a while but just recently became friends. I feel though, that we have been friends forever. She is totally my 'friend lobster' between our love of Elephants and Broadway shows and Idina and Firefly and everything else...and her amazing apple pie and her amazing self I don't know how I have lived without us being friends. Our crazy adventures are beyond awesome and everytime we hang out it is the best time ever.
So, this blog is a tribute to my besties -- Amy, Sarah, Carrie W., Mark, Kari, Kris, Shoshana, Elle, Carrie V., and Amanda. Without all of you in my life I would be nothing. Thank you for being my friend I LOVE YOU!
Sniff. I wouldn't be the same without you either! We've have suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch good times!!!!!! BTW, any interest in going to Comic Con next year? Email me and I'll tell you the tentative plan.
UMMM HELL YES!!!! I was reading stuff about this years CC and want to go now but obvi sold out and don't have vaca time. :D I'll email you in a few.
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