We went straight to her apartment and after I read an article about Jon & Kate Gosselin we went to bed.
May 16, 2009. Took the subway to the city, I got money and we met Leah at the Rock of Ages theater to try the lotto for tickets to the 2:00pm performance. Carrie got called second, YAYAYAYAYAY. And seeing as we won and didn't need any more tickets, Leah left. (Thanks Leah for coming to help us win!). The way the ROA lotto works, is the first two people called get front row seats, everyone else gets whatever seats are given. So both Carrie and myself were super psyched for getting front row. HOLLA.
Let me just tell you that people are morons! Seriously, idiots! DUMB, STUPID! The lady doing the lotto had told everyone that after their name is called to line up. You would think that was pretty easy right? Apparently it wasn't. As people joined the line, behind the first person and Carrie and it got to the end people started lining up like next to carrie, as if the line went into THE STREET instead of down the sidewalk. And they were like 'well it doesn't matter what order you're in' I wanted to be like 'umm, yes it does you fucking idiot, you're supposed to line up in the order your name is called!' but i didn't. And there was this old lady, let's call her Erma. She randomly appeared out of nowhere as the woman was saying she has one ticket left for the lotto and all the groups were saying they didn't want it because they were in a group (but they kept standing there like tickets were going to appear from the woman's earlobe). So Erma, is standing there and says to me 'I would love to go but I only have $20.00.' I tell her 'I have no money.' Because clearly she was asking me. And then she tells THE LADY RUNNING THE LOTTO the same thing. The lady quite rightly says 'did you put your name into the pile?' and Erma says 'no, I just got here.' Weirdo.
So anyways, after Carrie the Awesome got her tickets we moseyed our way to Cosi, the best little lunch place ever. I had my usual, a tuna melt. It was as delicious as I remembered. As we left I reminisced about when I met Kristin Chenoweth in that same place a f

I was a tad nervous because I don't like being called on to do things or being talked to - basically to be put on the spot, and this seemed like the kind of show to do just that. (luckily it didn't happen...although I wouldn't have minded if a certain someone had randomly made out with me! ;) hehe). So back to the story. The show was rock'n! I loved it...so much fun. Constantine Maroulis was in it, he was really good although I'm not normally a fan of his. But I give him mad props yo. Amy Spanger was out, does she ever actually perform in the shows? So we saw her u/s Savannah White. She was very good. The guy who played Franz (Wesley) was fantastic! SOOO funny. "I'm not gay, I'm just german!" HA! The Narrator / Lonny was hysterical, and as Carrie told me beforehand, looks, sounds and makes the same facial expressions as Jack Black. He was great.
Now, here is where I first laid eyes on the new love of my life. His name is James Carpinello and he is one hunka hunka burnin' love baby! He played Stacee Jaxx, the stereotypical lead singer of a rock band wantint to make it big on his own. I swooned over him the entire show. Wow. Now, the one sinkin' clincher here is...he's married. :( And of course - you know...ON BROADWAY and impossible for me even if he wasn't married. But a girl can fantasize right! I stage doored the show after, to have them all sign my 'save your strip' paper that i caught in the show. Here are a couple of things:
1. Savannah White looks a lot different in person than she does on stage and wears these kind of 'Frenchie from Grease' glasses, she is adorable.
2. Angel signs her name with a halo over the 'A'. Cute.
3. Constantine Maroulis has no personality and when asked for a picture with him he said yes but walked away. Weirdo.
4. I fell even more in love with James Carpinello when meeting him and looking into his gorgeous entrancing beautiful eyes.
So anyhoo...not realizing that Carrie had her camera (and the fact that she wasn't near me and I didn't want to scream to her) I didn't ask for a pic with that hottie. So we left and headed over to Carrie's aunt's house. We ate a delicious meal (Thanks Auntie Ann!) and watched the three hour Lost finale. Second time around, even better than the first, which is saying a lot!
After Lost we headed on back to the deluxe apartment that Carrie lives in with Corinne and Nuwani. We watched SNL and went to sleep.
May 17, 2009. Slept in and then took the subway into the city. We went to Cari's apartment so I could leave my bag there whilst Carrie and I became secret agents throughout the day. Cari's roommate Ashley let us in and we chilled for a bit before we pulled a funny (to us, not to Cari) joke on Cari and then we left in a hurry before we were murdered in our sleep (sorry Cari!). Carrie and I (after saying see ya lata to Ashley) put on our camouflage outfits and slinked to an undisclosed location to do a little celeb stalking. We had no luck for the first part but then went to Rock of Ages stage door so I could get a picture with my dream man...HERE IT IS:

Isn't he Gorgeous??? YES!! I could stare into his eyes forever. and ever. Why can't he be my neighbor who always needs something and appearing at my doorstep?! Is that too much to ask for?
So after getting that gem of a picture Carrie and I headed on back to Cari & Ashley's apartment and watched Jeapardy with them and then the season finale of Bones. We chilled for a bit and then I left my bag down with the doorman and then Carrie and I resumed our roles as super secret Sydney Bristow like spies. This time it paid off (more for her than for me). We saw Anna ... from Fringe (who plays Det. Olivia Dunham) and Mark Valley (also from Fringe, but I know him as Jack Devereaux from Days of our Lives). Then we saw Jane Lynch who I know but can't place what she's been in...but she is in the upcoming awesome show "Glee". And we also saw the voice of many of the voices of The Family Guy (Stewie and Peter Griffin to name two) walk across the street. Awesome. Then I hadda leave so we got my bag and headed to the train.
On the sidewalk, we ran into Shoshana Feinstein! YAY SHOSHANA! Glad I got to see her even if it were only for a couple of minutes.
Great weekend! Can't wait for Carrie to come up this weekend. :D
Hi, I was just wondering where you saw Mark Valley and Anna Torv? That's cool that you saw them, were they just walking on the street?
They were sort of walking down the street of NY. I can't disclose the location but it was cool seeing them!
so glad you decided to come to visit on a kinda last minute trip, compared to our usual!
nothing but a good time! <3 rock of ages! looooved our seats! did you start listening to the music? next time you visit we'll see it again. you'll have to fight amy acker over james! you can tell him your his future second wife.
lost will forever kick ass!
you mixed up when we did things on sunday - you didn't get the pic with james till right before i got the pics with those other peeps!
looking fwd to chilling in new england this weekend!
Haha. I tend to mix up things. My brain never works in order and I always forget.
HAHA I just realized after re-reading my blog about this that I misspelled some things and put that Amy's u/s was Savannah White. OH ME. haha Savannah WISE!
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