Sunday, January 27, 2013


My five dates turned into six. A month later. My phone call was never returned. My text was never answered. And then he responded, with 'wassup'.... a thirty-seven year old man. A man who teaches English and taught himself to read. I've never been that person to ask what are we or where are we going. I asked it once. I don't regret it. But, it's not for me. And I didn't ask him why it took him a month. And he never offered an explanation when we met for dinner. And then he got really hurt when I told him I had to work the next day. He wanted to spend the day together, but he didn't confirm the date until the day before. I'm not that person though that's going to point this out. Why? Because I don't want to be anyone's mother. He knows better. People know better. They didn't call you back because they didn't want too. And it's okay. But I am not working this coming Friday/Satuday and I've already texted him telling him this much and offering him my time. Because when we were alone together he opened up to me. And  I opened to him. And it meant something, because I don't open up that easy. I'm scary and broken and just trying to heal every day. I think we all are. But if he ignores this text, he won't be getting anymore from me. What happens next in 2013? I can't imagine what a parent must feel like with no guidebook to tell them right/wrong. But, at almost 33.... I won't a guidebook. I need a kick to the head or to the heart. At this point I'd even choose a broken heart again. 

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