Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Alice ... in ... Wonderland...

After almost three long months of rehearsing - Alice in Wonderland Jr. - finally went live! Emotions were busting through my body, coursing through my veins...I was excited, nervous, sad, happy. My heart was racing and my mind was running wild. Would it be a success? A Failure? Would the parents leave the theater thinking I don't know what I'm doing?

Well, after the shows were over I was bombarded with praise and joy. The shows were FANTASTIC! They went off without a hitch, perfect timing with lighting and scene changes. I was and am so proud!

Now I miss my kids. Yes, I know...I complained a lot about how they don't listen and how they annoyed me. But I love them all (okay maybe 99.9 % of them!) I can't wait till the cast party tomorrow night. <3>

Till next time --


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