Saturday, December 31, 2011

A look back at 2011

So it begins, the end of another year past and the start of a new year to come. There are always big plans and big ideas that swirl around my brain as to what the new year will hold for me. I vow to myself that I will do new things, become more confident, make life better. But I never follow through. My brain and thoughts are easier to dream than to actually accomplish.

In the anticipation for 2012 let's look back at 2011:

I directed the 9th production for NK drama with Camp Rock: the Musical, which was a wonderful experience filled with laughter, tears and a fantastic production. It proved how much I love my kids and how much they fill my life with just pure joy (and much aggravation on top of that). The good always outweighs the bad, these kids bring me happiness.

Two trips to Florida, a fun fun time with friends in Disney and The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

A nice relaxing vacation to Hawaii with my mom, including two absolutely amazing Lost tours.

I visited Mark and we had a lovely time together, as usual.

Carrie and I celebrated our Christmas tradition in RI together. I also visited NY to her place in Astoria, we had many fun adventures, including meeting some fun celebs.

I had the great pleasure of meeting Jim Parsons (Sheldon, Big Bang Theory), Justin Kirk (Andy, Weeds), Susan Sullivan (Martha, Castle) and many more.

Favorite movies of 2011:

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

Favorite TV shows of 2011 (new):

American Horror Story
Once Upon a Time
New Girl

Let's bring on 2012, and hope it's a better year than this. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

good 2011!!! here's to an even better 2012!