Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dark Shadows

Dark Shadows
Starring: Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeifer, Helena Bonham Carter, Johnny Lee Miller and Chloe Grace Moretz
Date saw: 5/12/12

Where can you go wrong with Tim Burton, Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter? You can't in my book (well we won't include Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter in that statement).

I know a lot of people who did not like this movie at all, who thought the writing was the worst and the acting subpar. But I have to be honest, I do not agree with those people.

I thought this film was great. I enjoyed it very much. The music may have played a huge factor in the forming of my opinion. It was perfectly placed and added humor to the movie. Loved the acting! I mean COME ON- LOOK AT THE CAST!

Now the ending. I did not like the ending. I won't give anything away but a certain plot point was thrown in there randomly, it was not built up or explained except for a tiny one line that Angelique Baine says during a final battle. It was thrown in there and thinking back on it there's no way that the people in this character's life wouldn't have suspected or realized this. That is my criticism.

So although I did enjoy the movie very much, I did not love it. So I will give it 3 1/2 stars out of 5.


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