Saturday, October 20, 2012


I maybe the oldest living intern. I got an internship at Spoon. They specialize in breakfast/lunch and do a lot of catering. I will be working with the head pastry chef. I will be doing all production. And I continue to do more and more production at my current PAID job. It feels like things are finally starting to happen - dare I say career. Could this be it? It feels that way - working six days a week. My plan is to intern for roughly three months and see where I fit, how I feel, what I've learned and the possibilities that might come of all of that. I've done internships in the past - in different fields. And nothing came, despite working as hard as I could at that time. I have no grand ideas of this being any different- but it feels different. It feels like where I belong. And that's all anyone is really looking for in life, a place to belong too.

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