Monday, December 17, 2012

It Will Be What It Will Be

I guess after three dates it means you're dating someone.... it doesn't make you exclusive, but the term dating is okay. And so it's been five dates now, with a potential six date on Wednesday. I say potential, because once you've been rejected as often as I have whose to say what may or may not happen. And for the first time I guess I'm just not trying to hope or make it something other than it is. "It will be what it will be." I love that quote. In the last two years now I've really tried to apply that to my life. And it's worked. Because with this guy, for the first time, I'm not running away. I'm scared. I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know if I want him to be my boyfriend. I use to feel like you should know right away. I don't. But I don't see it as a bad thing anymore. I have a habit of getting lost in my own head. But it's time I figured my shit out and one of the first steps is not to run. Or maybe it's the last step. But I've ran so often that it's a step I need to take.

What are you working on in your life to make your life better?

p.s. a co-worker wants to hook up. should i do it? i have to do it soon if i continue to see this other guy... thoughts?

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