Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

I am a wallflower. I have been since forever and will be one forever. But I embrace it, where as when I was sixteen, I didn't. Why would I?

If only I had this book then. Released in 1999,  I didn't discover it until Miss Lindsay insisted I reminded her of Charlie, the protagonist. And then the movie came out. I was intrigued. I saw it. It's my favorite movie of the year. It doesn't say anything new or go to different places, but all the technical aspects are solid. It's jut a very confident film. And emotionally it gets you -- I was close to tears, the friend I was with, was in tears. I just felt alive after seeing it, like a great movie does. I can't wait to go back again. And own it. It's one to own.

"we accept the love we think we deserve."

this is why the single people are single.

1 comment:

Lady in the Street, Freak in the Bed said...

I'm so glad my recommendation worked out for the great! :) I'm glad we can be wallflowers together and take many more crazy adventures. I can't wait for the movie to come out wide so I can see it as I loved the book.