Tuesday, October 18, 2011

To Travel Is To Live

I have so much fun traveling. I really, really do. I lose myself in the destination that I choose. And how do I choose my destination? I let it choose me. I am often overcome with an image. This image could be something as generic as the Red Wood trees in San Franciso or a picture of a rainy day in Seattle. I then imagine myself living there. Whenever I travel anywhere I want to experience this moment as a resident. Because I am dreamer and I often dream about moving away. If I did move, where would I move to? Does any place outside of New York City really belong to me? I spent my childhood afraid of getting lost. I take trips now, on my own, each year, with the intent of getting lost. Because the best part of being lost, is finding your way again. Traveling has helped me each time I've been at a crossroads with finding a new road to take, that just might have a little less turbulence.

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